Discover the World of Philately and Deltiology
Opening times:
Friday 27th September 2024 from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
Saturday 28th September 2024 from 10:00 am to 3:30 pm
Admission is free on both days and there is ample free parking in our own private, on-site attended car park.
One hall, one level, seats at every table and refreshments available.
We look forward to welcoming you to the show and hope you will find the items you have been looking for to enhance your collection

We at the Salisbury Stamp & Postcard Show are dedicated to uniting stamp and postcard collectors, enthusiasts, and experts who share a common passion.
Our journey started in 2013 with the Machin Collectors Club's first show in Salisbury, and since then, it has grown into one of the country's most significant two-day Stamp & Postcard Shows, serving as a valuable platform for connecting like-minded individuals.
The Salisbury Stamp and Postcard Show is proudly brought to you by Arun Stamps under the stewardship of Tony Hender.

Salisbury Stamp Show

Arun Stamps stand at Salisbury Stamp Show

Salisbury Stamp Show
We have around 50 stands covering all aspects of Philately & Postal History, with many of the top dealers in the trade attending this event. The show continues to provide the best offerings from the country's leading dealers here in the UK.
All of our dealers have a wide range of experience in the business. Between them, they offer material from most countries of the world. They also offer their expertise and professional advice to ensure that all their customers get the best possible service.